What ingredient in crystal light is bad for you?

Crystal Light's most controversial ingredients are artificial colors and sweeteners. While the FDA generally recognizes them as safe, some claim that aspartame, sucralose, stevia, and artificial colors lack long-term testing and may have adverse effects. One type of artificial sweetener found in some Crystal Light products is sucralose. According to MedicineNet, more research is needed on the potential impact of sucralose on humans.

However, sucralose contains chlorine, which is classified as a carcinogen. In addition, short-term animal studies indicate that sucralose can cause problems such as hives, heart palpitations, gas, mood changes, and nausea. In addition to sucralose, Crystal Light may contain aspartame. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates both sucralose and aspartame and has considered them safe under its regulations.

However, there is one notable exception. Since aspartame contains the amino acid phenylalanine, the FDA warns patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) to avoid aspartame, as phenylketonuria makes it difficult to process phenylalanine. The first ingredient (apart from water), malic acid, is undoubtedly one of the safest additives listed on the label. It is naturally found in high doses in fruits and products such as green apples, grapes, rhubarb and wine, and contributes to their sour and bitter taste.

There is some concern that it may cause nausea and diarrhea, and the safety of long-term use is unknown. No, drinking Crystal Light isn't as good as drinking water. While Crystal Light does contain some electrolytes, it's mostly made up of artificial ingredients, artificial sweeteners, and other added sugars. Plus, if you're looking for a sweetened beverage, naturally sweetened beverages, such as homemade ginger tea or green tea, are healthier options than Crystal Light.

In addition, Crystal Light also contains artificial dyes, which have been linked to potential cancer risks. The sweeteners used in Crystal Light and diet soft drinks may be linked to kidney problems in some people. While Crystal Light Pure is certainly healthier than the original version of Crystal Light, it's still far from ideal. And when we consider that Crystal Light comes in several flavors, it's clear how it could help encourage greater water consumption and, in the process, better hydration.

Excessive consumption of Crystal Light can also cause a person to experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. If you're trying to move from Crystal Light to something healthier, remember that it takes a while for your taste buds to adjust. The dietician who specializes in kidneys states that, in general, Crystal Light lemonade is more effective at changing the alkalinity of urine than the lemon-lime diet soda, despite the citrate content of the soda. The focus on natural ingredients makes Crystal Light Pure a much healthier product than the original version.

Crystal Light Pure also avoids many controversial ingredients from the original Crystal Light product lines, making it more appealing to many people (as long as you don't mind sugar). In this case, replacing soft drinks, juices, and other beverages loaded with calories and sugar with Crystal Light could help you lose weight because you're eating fewer calories. In addition, stevia, which is a sweetener that comes from the stevia plant, is used in Crystal Light Pure products (according to Healthline). Crystal Light contains no calories and may be a better alternative to regular beverages for those trying to reduce their calorie intake.

And while you can get water from foods and beverages like Crystal Light, there are other ways to hydrate...

Tristan Gagliardo
Tristan Gagliardo

Proud social media ninja. Bacon expert. Unapologetic gamer. Proud zombie nerd. Freelance pop culture scholar.

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